Hey, I will rewind the former stock pulse tranformer.
I might tried to do another spare with my ee65 core I bought on ebay.

Here is the math (for me, to remember the day I need it again):
Measurement of the former stock pulse tranformer:
35.1 thickness of the E + primary layer
34.27 minimal thickness of the E + primary layer
about 47.19mm maximum
7*9+3=66 turns per layer
Since the
(35.1*4)*66=9266.4mm for the first layer
Low estimate:
If we approximate for a layer with 35mm to 42mm for the last
( 42(42+1)/2 - 34(34+1)/2 ) * 4(width of a square) * 66(turns per layer)
0.5*(42*43-34*35) * 4 * 66
2* (1806 - 1190) * 66 = 78540mm
Medium estimate:
(35+37+39+41 +43+45+47+49) * 4 * 66
(152+184) * 4 * 66 = 88704mm
I still need to work out the taping material (I lost the info...

22AWG 0.63mm for the primary
29AWG 0.28mm for the secondary
should do.
For the primary:
50turns *35(width) * 4(square) = 7000mm
Meaning those would do the job just fine: