I bought a NOS dana 1992 with manual and power cord. Seems like a spare unit kept for the military. It worked great for about 10..15 hours and now will not boot. Trying to boot multiple times would bring it back but now that also is not working. I read the eprom multiple times out of socket and its always reading back the same, so I don't think it the eprom . Now even multiple reboots are not helping and the unit is stuck. The screen comes up either blank or with random segments lit up. First I thought it was the 244 chip that was bad and replaced it . The symptoms are getting progressively worse if that's even possible.
The standby button would work but nothing expect a reboot would bring it back from standby. Now its will not react to standby most of the time. I did check and the gate that is connected to standby is reading the standby button.
I did pull the keyboard and verified each key is working. There are no stuck keys, None of the keys are broken yet.
The reset circuit is held low at power up and goes high which seems normal. When the Standby circuit is not reacting I noticed the IRQ pin is being pulled low.
When IRQ is high the PB port activity seems not normal. Sometimes there is just spikes on the data pins and other times there is ramping signals and sometimes some pins show normal square wave activity . Even when activity looks more normal there is no screen activity - it remains at the same condition as when booted up.
The IRQ circuit is pretty complicated but the more I look at it the more I think the MC146805 is toast.
The voltage rails all are in spec. The logic chips get a nice clean 4.995V .
On occasion when the keys are pressed on the front there is a lot more port activity but nothing is getting updated in terms of LED or displays.
I looked at other threads but not exactly the same issue.
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/repair/more-racal-dana-1992-repair-woes/Help appreciated.