I had already tried that by someone's suggestion, but no change.
I started looking at all of the colors i cut- The yellow is for +12v, the only voltage i need. The red is for +5v, i don't need 5v either, likewise for orange (+3.3v)
I did try using a dummy load on both 5v and 3.3v, no effect.
Here are the symptoms again. I have a 40w LED connected to +12v (yellow/black). It powers on just fine, i can leave it on for as long as i want, but if i shut it off (using the power supply's built in switch), it won't turn on again (using the same switch) until i unplug the AC cord from the supply for about a minute.
Here are the colors that i'm unsure of, i've been reading a lot but so far haven't found a solution- All of the wires i clipped (except yellow and black) are bundled in a rubber band. There are 6 orange (3.3), 8 8red (5), a blue, a grey, a brown and a purple. All of them are smaller gauge, but who can read letters that small, i don't have a microscope with me.
This page:
http://web2.murraystate.edu/andy.batts/ps/DESIGN_GUIDE.HTMDescribes remote sensing, last paragraph seems most relevant, but it's not clear if it's talking about the brown or orange, and if orange, well i thought orange was for 3.3v..
This page
http://web2.murraystate.edu/andy.batts/ps/POWER_OK.HTMTalks about the grey wire, i'm not sure, but i think it's irrelevant in this case, it seems to say that the computer uses it, not the supply itself, but i'm not sure if it's talking about the computer's post, or if it's saying that modern power supplies have their own POST.
have been reading for a couple of days, those are just two pages that seem like they could be relevant, i haven't started with purple or blue yet. I suppose i could simply connect all four to see if the problem resolves itself, but since i'm not using it for a PC, there's nothing to connect them to. Anyway the point is to learn, since the newer supplies apparently function a bit differently than older ATX supplies. Most all of the nearly dozen pages i've read about modding an ATX as a gen purpose PS don't mention anything about needing to have any of these connected to anything, aside from a dummy load on 3.3/5v (is it always both, or sometimes one or the other?)
Thanks for any guidance.