Ok, just thinking aloud here, and would like to know if I’m not making sense.
AFAIK, These are still just serial shift registers, and the display has to be actively driven through them.
They are sixteen bit each, and control the rows and columns of each 8x8 LED module.
Ideally, for six rows of these 8x8 LED modules, ten modules each row, you’d have to rotate out six channels of 160 bits each,
and do that 64 times (one for each pixel in an 8x8 LED module) to make one video frame.
It occurs to me these chips are on the board to somehow simplify the connection from the LED array to the controller PCB.
It’s still a 50 way IDC connector :O
I’m just hoping if they were gone, that the pins at the end of the IDC connector and the shift register chains
would then all be open so I could connect those together with mod wire, and still have a somewhat neat board.