Electronics > Repair
PS3 Slim (CECH-3003A) Turns OFF Completely Immediately After Turning ON
I have a PS3 Slim (CECH-3003A) and when I connected to the mains wall socket the power ON button goes RED. When I press the power button the LED goes Green but after 10 seconds approximately the LED turns off completely and if I press it again doesn’t start again (only if I disconnect the mains plug and I reconnect it to the mains wall socket).
After some trials that I ‘ve made with turn ON/OFF at some point the PS3 doesn’t turn ON at all (even for 10 seconds as before). I measure at the CN101 connector and the 5VSB pin have 0V. If I disconnect the CN101 connector from the motherboard then I have I measure 5V on the 5VSB pin. Between the 5VSB and GND I measured 6.9 Ohm resistance on the motherboard connector where I believe it isn’t normal.
Do you know where 5VSB rail goes on the motherboard (unfortunately my thermal camera goes off in order to inject external supply) or where I could find a schematic?
PS3 what does:
Just to confirm
On the High Voltage board at connector CN101 you get 5v with the wires disconnected.
When the wires are connected from this connector to the main motherboard you get 0v on the motherboard where you should be getting 5v.
If this is the case I would check for any shorted capacitors, where the connector is on the motherboard there are some capacitors between power and ground I would check those first then check any capacitors shorts to ground.
First, for this console eevblog is not the more recomended place to go asking for help, that would be PSX-Place.
Second, are you sure that you don't have a NoLOD instead of a short? You can try the LED Diag mode first if you don't want to mess with the syscon directly, but it is limited to only the last error logged.
Third, the first thing that everybody that works with this console recomends is going direcly the syscon route to debug any problem.
And last, there is only service manuals available for 3 of the 19 revisions of the ps3 motherboard, COK-001, COK-002 and SEM-001. Of course, the one that your console have (KTE-001) is not publicly available.
I found that this IC regulator (RT8057GQW - SMD Mark: J7) was shorted(~10ohm) by injecting 3V external supply. This regulator supply the WiFi module. I removed it and the PS3 started fine but with no wifi.
Thanks all of you for your replies and the help.
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