The real reason they got scrapped were cost of replacement parts. I ran into this also while back and, I simply put mine away in storage and bought decent soldering stations from ebay and aliexpress. Also don't want to deal with lack of performance and design weaknesses.
Aixun (home) and PDK1200 (work) are pretty good stations and good value and I use mine often and PDK1200 daily at work. Handles can be replaced for 30 dollars, JBC OEM and JBC tips can be had on aliexpress as well. There is good selection of stations that can take JBC type tips.
Just avoid the quick brand solder stations, tips is few in between and proprietary.
The real murder is the handles, cable and tips for other makes like you ran into due to cost. I had to repair the cable, because wires broke, 2 times over time at previous work with my Weller adjustable station. Then two screws got pulled out, due to my abusive user of my coworker using it as pry tool to unbend crimped soldered components,, of the handle making tip heater loose and wore the holes that pins were pressed into along with heater wires.