Electronics > Repair

Siglent spd3303x-e reboot problem

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--- Quote from: mawyatt on September 06, 2023, 04:05:33 pm ---
--- Quote from: tautech on June 17, 2023, 07:51:34 pm ---
--- Quote from: Faranight on June 17, 2023, 03:42:10 pm ---Damn! Looks like I got a free ticket to join this club as I've just been hit with the very same issue.
I was trying to do some AVR programming while the unit suddenly rebooted a few times and then started turning off and back on again.
I've had my SPD3303X for a few years, but used it very rarely. Searching on the internet, it seems to be a known problem.

Tautech, I heard you mentioning in another thread that Siglent started replacing these bridges with more powerful versions that are placed off-board.
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Only member qpit3a's fix is the only one I know of that is done off the PCB.

Siglents suggested fix is a bodge by having an inline bridge shoehorned into a circular bridge footprint.
I suspect they reworked the PCB in later HW revisions to take an inline bridge as there's not much room to work with in the older PCB layout.

TBH I'd make a small birds nest with 4 diodes and run a sleeved + and - back into the existing pads or go with qpit3a's fix with a remotely mounted bridge or maybe try to get one of these little 3A jobbies slotted into the existing footprint:

The application is not very demanding as I believe the original bridge was only 2A rated.

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Did Siglent ever have an official "fix" for this? One of our 3 units just began to hiccup a bit, and considering fixing it before we have to use it again.


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There is warranty.  ;)

They are not a complex/difficult repair but IMO qpit3a's fix above with an uprated bridge is the easiest if replacing the small circular bridge. Run a red/black pair and an AC pair off the PCB and mount the replacement bridge wherever is most convenient.

There has been a HW change however exactly what has been changed has not been shared.  :(

No doubt the bridge has been uprated/changed so to be more reliable and another display feature has been added; a totalizer readout when in Parallel and Series modes.  :clap:
Unfortunately the latest FW that supports this is not compatible with earlier HW.  >:(

Somewhere IIRC I have a rework doc which when found I'll shoot it to your email.

A warranty repair just done...installed the new version control PCB with uprated bridge rectifier.

My 3303 must be over 3yrs old by now. I had it open already tho. Do these have a fan though ? I can't remember seeing one or ever hearing 1. I hardly ever use much power, so IDK.

But thanks I'll remember to check the rectifier next time I open it up. I bet it's due for a de-dusting too.

I have some quiet computer fans, that would use under 100mA at 5V. Maybe those fan's are too big, but if I had a little one, I'd put it over the control circuits and rectifier.

I'm guessing the main PSU heatsinks have a fan already.


--- Quote from: MathWizard on November 19, 2023, 04:24:52 am ---My 3303 must be over 3yrs old by now. I had it open already tho. Do these have a fan though ? I can't remember seeing one or ever hearing 1. I hardly ever use much power, so IDK.
I'm guessing the main PSU heatsinks have a fan already.

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Yup, smart fan and at low power it will not spin up from its normally very low RPM.

--- Quote ---But thanks I'll remember to check the rectifier next time I open it up. I bet it's due for a de-dusting too.

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TBH don't worry about it until you have an issue which for some years we never did so maybe just a bad batch of rectifier bridges caused these problems.
I suspect design was using most of the 2A available from those tiny bridges and sus ones gave more failures.
Now with a much better bridge in the redesigned HW there should be now more problems.  :phew:


--- Quote from: tautech on November 18, 2023, 09:26:01 am ---A warranty repair just done...installed the new version control PCB with uprated bridge rectifier.

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I bought a brand new SPD 3303X-E (in Sept. 2023) and I wonder whether it could be affected by this reboot issue (up to now no problems yet). The hardware version is reported to be V6.1, can anybody tell me if this includes the uprated rectifier? I could open it up, but I don't want to break the warranty seal ... Thanks!


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