For ali. PCBs you really need a hotplate
Thanks! Would a "946C" one work? How would i use it when installing new IGBTs? Preheat with hotplate and use hot air to bring the solder up to melting point? 
yes - I have a 946C and it works fine.
No need for hot air
Just put plenty of flux on, prepare the new parts with leads formed and flux on them, maybe a bit of solder paste on the tabs - hotplate it til the solder melts, pick off the dead ones and plop the new ones on.
(When heating, it helps to push the PCB down onto the plate in the area to be reworked with a small screwdriver, though probably less of an issue with ali. than FR4.)
Then slide if off the plate to an adjacent metal plate & let it cool.
As regards temperature, probably better too hot than too cold, so you can get it done quickly - guessing around 300C
The thing about a hotplate compared to hot air is that with hot air, it always needs to be hotter than needed due to losses, so some parts are likely to get overheated. A hotplate just needs to be hot enough to melt the solder , and nothing will get hotter than the plate temp.
If the board has conformal coating then it would be good to remove it with a solvent first if possible- not impossible without doing it but could get smoky and smelly as the coating burns off.