So, I just got an old Tek 485 in need of some TLC. Hopefully with some effort this can become my new primary analog scope, a nice pair to my DS1kZ. I'll keep this thread updated as I go.
It's a pretty nice scope. Two channels at 350 MHz bandwidth, dual timebase, nice sharp CRT (seriously fuckoff high voltage going into this!), not too big, and has a nice and neat construction. Oh, and it's gorgeous, with that 70s Tek metallic look.
Here it is from the front as I got it. Some of the controls took a good whack - the vertical scale factor knobs are busted and missing the concentric variable knob, and invisibly from outside, the delay time pot is either loose or broken. Otherwise it's not awful, no connectors banged up, nothing seriously mangled.
front.jpgIt won't trigger, so no sense in taking a picture of it displaying a signal (I can barely get one to kinda-maybe stand still by fiddling with the holdoff). Here's the CRT flood-filled by a triangle wave though - nice, even brightness throughout, except for a burn-in of the center ground line - doesn't bother me.
crt-lit.jpgAnd a preview of the sexy internals to come later....
b-trigger.jpgcrt-housing.jpgI just ordered some "standard-replacement" parts from Mouser for it - with something this old, there are a few things I like to replace even if they're not
yet broken: any caps working at 1kV or greater, tantalum caps, high ripple current aluminum caps, lamps, LEDs, and neon tubes. All of those age even under proper use.
More to come soon.