Author Topic: Tektronix 2246 time trigger error  (Read 1793 times)

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Tektronix 2246 time trigger error
« on: November 02, 2014, 01:43:38 am »

Hello everyone. First Id like to say how impressed I was when posted for help with his scope: EEVblog Electronics Community Forum » Electronics » Test Equipment » Tektronix 2246 - No beam!
 I also received a 2246 with no beam and seemed like it would never get one till I found this thread and found that my diode was broken as well!! Big thumbs up to all the people who contributed to his (now our) success!
Alas, although I now have a trace the machine fails the 5us time test and consequently the trigger wont trigger this is the only thing the scope would do when it had no beam. I thought the diode would repair everything but the problem still exists. Sooo I was hoping you guys and girls could put your big fat brains together and help me diagnose this problem. Any ideas??

« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 07:42:38 pm by viperrepair »
Vancouver Island Photographic and Electronic Repair

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