Hi coromonadalix
Thank you very much for what you shared, I appreciate it.
You may have made a mistake somewhere, because this topic I created is only to find a solution for the VM6000, not related to my TDS7254B, you may have thought I posted 2 contents in the same article that made you sad. But in this Topic I am just trying to restore the operating system for the VM600, not to find a way to solve the vxWork problem on the TDS, it is in 2 different posts. In the other topic I was wrong when I dragged the vm6000 into it, then I realized and deleted them, I just want to explain to you that I have 2 devices, and the problems with those 2 devices I have completely separated it. My TDS is still sitting there, I will update other information in the other thread, but for now, with the thread we are discussing, the problem has been solved successfully. I hope this thread can help others who come after.
Thank you iAlek, Squadchanel, and cronodalix for your great contributions and support, I appreciate it. Thank you for everything. Thank you.
Sincerely, Feng