I am trying to test a 50W 40KHz Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Transducer and I don't know if I am doing it correctly.
The background. A Dual 50W 40KHz developed a pinhole leak in the stainless tub and water fell onto the PCS and shorted a few things out. I have repaired those and it now runs for a while then one of the transistor banks overheats, If I switch the outputs for the PCS to the Transducers over then the other bank overheats so I have concluded that one of the 50W 40KHz Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Transducer is faulty. I have received another from eBay and it is the same spec 50W 40KHz Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Transducer with static 3800 pF (except that the Fluke 289 says it is 4900 pF). I presume when they say static it means nothing connected to it ?
I thought I'd attach a 40 KHz 20v PP signal to each in turn and then see how they behaved, concluding that if the original good and the new questionably good one were similar versus the one causing the overheating were different then I'd go ahead and give it a try.
Unfortunately the two original ones both read 40 KHz and the voltage drops to 5 VRMS whilst the replacement one takes the voltage down to 1.5 VRMS. This has sort of blown my theory out of the water.
I don't want go and glue the new transducer to the tank and test it because then I can't return it if the 4900 pF is in fact faulty.
I thought I'd fire up the Old original and the new one (unglued) but I have read that if you fire them up without a load it will destroy them.
Can anyone throw some light on how to properly test Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Transducer please ?