I've got a Polaroid FLM-4034B, it's a 40" LCD, 720p nothing too fancy. Bought it ohhh some 5 - 8 years ago back when I was working at Circuit City (when their stores still existed) it had some intermittent issues and it was going to be sent back to Polaroid for repairs, then it magically started working while I was testing it.. I asked my manager if they would sell it to me for a discounted price, snagged it for $200! Of course, about 6 months after having the TV, it stopped powering on and was dead... still within warranty, I sent in and got it replaced. So here we are some 5 odd years later and the replacement is still chugging along!
I haven't had any issues with this current TV (replacement), minus these missing pixels. Not necessarily missing pixels, but looks like potentially certain colors have died? When it's displaying an image, you are able to still see what's being displayed, just missing some colors. If you look at the images provided, it's trying to display a white image, but only showing blue.. leading me to believe only the blue pixels are working correctly along this line? This issue has been going on with the TV for about a year, maybe longer, and it seemed to be smaller at first, starting at the right side, about halfway into the screen, then one day the other half.
I've done the normal Google searches without any luck, lots of dead Polaroids (to be expected.. lol, I wasn't expecting quality, lets be honest!) but I haven't read a whole lot about dead pixels, or how they might be fixed. Just hoping it's a controller, versus the LCD itself.. assuming it's more cost effective to replace the controller.

Next steps are diving into check some caps and replace any of these that are on their way out, but alas I don't think this will resolve the pixel issue. I'm just not sure if I should be looking for a controller fault, or if it's the LCD it self going bad? Any information would be greatly appreciated! I will provide some pictures when I get it opened up and dissected!