So, power supply rails all check out (without the analog board hooked up), and TTL signals all look good.
BUT, hooked the analog board up, and things go wonky again. Checked the analog rails, and the +5V and +15V are fine. -15V rail, is going between -15V and Gnd in a regular fashion, so something is pulling it up the ground.
Will post a picture once I have a chance, and need to figure out what is pulling it up. Guessing it's when the measurement circles around to something, maybe the 0V reading. So, will put it in diagnostic mode next and see if I can isolate what part of the cycle it's doing this in.
Wonder also if using my bench supply to drive the -15V rail would show much... wouldn't think so since if it was shorted, it would just sit at 0V rather than pulse back and forth. As a I said, with the analog board unhooked, the -15V rail is fine. And the +15V rail is fine either way, so it's not that the two are being shorted together.
Any thoughts? Real annoyance is how bad the schematic quality is... printed them out full size (11x17 (A3)), and they're unreadable as far as numbers, etc. Might have to re-do them. =(