More neat stuff I picked up from Sure electronics. A 10watt LED on a heatsink
plus a 1.5amp constant current supply: LED I received looks essentially like it does on their website. No markings
on it that I could see. I removed the screws and there was heat sink compound
between it and the heat sink. No idea who actually makes this LED, could it be
from Seoul Semiconductor? Looks like there 4 dice inside.
The power supply is actually two converter boards. They are paralleled
on a carrier board to provide the 1.5amp constant current. The carrier
board places them a little too close together. The converters don't both
fit well, so either these boards need to be trimmed more, or the carrier board
isn't laid out correctly. Still it's possible to smash them together as shown.
I've tested the LED with an external supply -- it is very bright. I accidentally
looked at the LED while it was on, and I was seeing afterimages for about 10
minutes. The heat sink didn't seem to get very warm, so that's encouraging.
Next up, I need to test the converters. My plan is to build this into a floodlight
for some nice LED lanscape lighting. I'll use this as a wall washer type light.
Two LEDs should be about 900 lumens -- I think that's sufficient for what I have
in mind.