Author Topic: Weller WT1010 vs Ersa I-Con NANO vs Ersa I-Con 1V  (Read 1325 times)

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Weller WT1010 vs Ersa I-Con NANO vs Ersa I-Con 1V
« on: November 26, 2019, 11:55:48 am »
Good day everyone reading this! =)

As an enthusiast engineer with some DIY and freelance work, looking for some advice from fellow experts in this forum regarding to the soldering station worth starting with.

Currently deciding between (included Malaysian Ringgit for better comparison)

1) Weller WT1010 with WTP90 pencil (~2000 MYR)
2) Ersa I-Con Nano (~1500 MYR)
3) Ersa I-Con 1V (~2500 MYR)

A little background of work is doing both SMD and THT soldering, quite often. Looking forward for soldering station with good thermal recovery.

The current thoughts after reading so many forums and review online,
1) Weller have slight cheaper tips and the WTP90 seems like having better soldering tip retainer that last longer.
2) Ersa I-Con Nano is more affordable but lack of comparison between Nano and WT1010. Plus, some feedback from others that the Ersa I-Con Nano have some ticking sound after some time.

Feel free to correct me and share some thoughts in this. Thanks!   :-+

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