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Agilent E4438C ESG - rebranded Rohde6Schwarz?


Hi There,
the GUI of the E4438C looks somewhat similar to the one of Rohde & Schwarz equipment (  Am I completely misguided, or does Agilent rebrand R&S gear?


I don't think that these two are similar enough to say that Agilent rabrands R&S (or the other way around).

Some photos of internals would have to be made, but personally I don't think that's the case.

the only rebrand they have is an older handheld spectrum analyzer from RS ( the rs FSH3 , which , weirdly has a big fat asic in it labeled with the 'Fluke' logo  .... I replaced the battery on one of those for a friend of mine. the battery was also labeled Fluke and was the same pack as used in the scopemeters from fluke....

talk about a chimera design ...

I don't quite see how they are "similar" ... I mean sure they display frequency amplitude and current status  (RF on / modulation / ...) but that's pretty much what all RF siggen will display :p

I have a previous model of agilent and it's already the same interface as the E4438C.



From the far the UIs appeared similar to me, but that's personal opinion. I couldn't find any further evidence. I would have been quite surprised if it was actually a rebadged instrument.


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