Products > Other Equipment & Products

Agilent U1242B IR Interface ?

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I have a question regarding the U1242B digital multimeter. In all the documentation there is no mentioning of an ir interface.
But when I looked at the back of the housing I couldn't help noticing the two 'eyes'. And when I opened it, there are two leds
on distance pieces. And as you can see in the second picture the pcb is fully populated.
So what's the story here? Is there a way to get this interface to work?


     U1242B Back

     U1242B PCB

Nice serial number you got! :o

I'd hazard a guess that the U1240 and U1250 series share the pcb and the logging features and the like are disabled on the firmware... but the meters differ enough to say it's not so (probe jack locations moved etc).

It may be intended for service use only, but it'd be silly to make a optically isolated connection for just that...


--- Quote from: gobblegobble on April 20, 2011, 09:49:38 am ---It may be intended for service use only, but it'd be silly to make a optically isolated connection for just that...

--- End quote ---
Not necessarily - for automatic factory test & calibration, a few cents on an IR pair, especially if also used on other models, would make  lot of sense and easily pay for itself.

Are those Ir leds for sure? Is around there any chip for serial communication e.t.c.?


--- Quote from: firewalker on April 20, 2011, 11:26:56 am ---Is around there any chip for serial communication e.t.c.?

--- End quote ---
Wouldn't need one - you can do IR comms with a LED and phototransistor on a couple of MCU pins and a couple of resistors.


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