Author Topic: Agilent U1253B Not Alerting on 120V AC when set to DC volts  (Read 2765 times)

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Offline mzachariasTopic starter

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Agilent has a ticket in progress for this. Thoughts?


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Re: Agilent U1253B Not Alerting on 120V AC when set to DC volts
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2012, 05:16:47 pm »
Why would you expect DCV ranges to indicate AC voltage? Does it give an alert when set to other functions like ohms, continuity or capacitance? If it does, then it should do the same in VDC mode for consistency sake. If it does not, then I don't see why you would expect VDC to warn you about AC voltage. Just set it to AC + DCV if you're interested in both.

Offline mzachariasTopic starter

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Re: Agilent U1253B Not Alerting on 120V AC when set to DC volts
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2012, 05:20:40 pm »
Why would you expect DCV ranges to indicate AC voltage? Does it give an alert when set to other functions like ohms, continuity or capacitance? If it does, then it should do the same in VDC mode for consistency sake. If it does not, then I don't see why you would expect VDC to warn you about AC voltage. Just set it to AC + DCV if you're interested in both.

I get it but hazardous AC voltage can appear unexpectedly in defective or improperly maintained equipment. My 20 year old Beckman HD-153 beeps and gives a lightning indicator with high AC on DC function.
It was just something I noticed, but I feel it is significant, and quite possibly could be addressed in firmware.

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