Products > Other Equipment & Products

Aixun T3A misbehaving on grounded PCBs

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Someone has brought this to my attention:

Check at 3:30. I believe Tony at NWR is using a T3A - but regardless, this is another example where "ground is in the way". There is NO WAY I want to see my expensive 245 tips glowing red like that. Shocking! It must be one of those FW where the station keeps spiking and never stops. Fair enough, later versions will detect and stop the uncontrolled burst, but will also hide the real temp at the tip.


--- Quote from: tony359 on January 23, 2024, 12:09:16 pm ---Someone has brought this to my attention:

Check at 3:30. I believe Tony at NWR is using a T3A - but regardless, this is another example where "ground is in the way". There is NO WAY I want to see my expensive 245 tips glowing red like that. Shocking! It must be one of those FW where the station keeps spiking and never stops. Fair enough, later versions will detect and stop the uncontrolled burst, but will also hide the real temp at the tip.

--- End quote ---

What is actually a bit sad is that they didn't fix this on the T320.
They went again for trying to solve the problem in software.

I've certainly not deep dived this issue to the extreme, but I'm fairly certain no amount of software can make a millivolt differential amplifier that is being interfered with suddenly reliable through software alone when you have no other information.

Indeed, I saw the review and it still shows issues.

I'm no electronic wizard but I agree with you, if the thermocouple is reporting rubbish you can only "mitigate" - that is, prevent the station from dumping 100's of watts into the tip. The tip won't glow red but it's unlikely it'll keep its setpoint.

I'm wondering whether they're fixing this quietly while they get rid of the old stock or developing a newer model or simply ignoring this whole matter :)

My curiosity is: is this an unavoidable side effect of using an SMPS or could this be avoided with a different HW design?


--- Quote ---My curiosity is: is this an unavoidable side effect of using an SMPS or could this be avoided with a different HW design?
--- End quote ---

I've got some custom stations SMPS powered and I didn't noticed such problems.
There were some good reviews about T3. I even thought about it, but the reviews here confirm that DIY was a good option.


Well, I was able to reproduce problem with my DIY station when negative output from SMPS (which also acts as tip grounding) was hard wired to the earth connection and touched metal central heating pipe with tip.
Problem didn't occur when I touched earth pin from power strip, which also made a ground loop but smaller, so it turns out that there was extraneous potential on the pipes and it did some mess.

Keep in mind that to reproduce the grounding issue I have to touch SOME pins of a GROUNDED circuit - not necessarily ground. (Even though when I later tested that, it would also misbehave when touching ground which was NOT happening before. No idea why)

It feels to me that some circuits might have the right combination of components and traces to create some noise which upsets the station.

When I  was using the T3A with my Hakko knock-off to remove SMD caps, I knew the ones which would cause the T3A to get crazy. Always the same caps. Not the others. Ever.


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