All who read this of course know about the popular Asian SMPS, also known as a "poor man's lab bench power supply" (which is not, of course).
The problem with the Gophert NPS-1601 as I see it - it is not Earth Ground referenced. There are only two output terminals ("+" and "-") on the front panel and they are completely isolated so that the secondary of PS is floating.
The aluminum case of the power supply is earth ground connected but that's about the operator safety.
However since there is NO earth ground terminal, using the PS "as is" in the floating mode is prone to all kinds of leakage current effects in the circuits connected to this PS causing damage to the circuits in certain conditions.
Is there a reason the manufacturer of the Gophert NPS-1601 has not provided the earth ground terminal and is there anything wrong with adding the earth ground terminal to the front panel of the PS and connecting the "-" to the earth ground?
Otherwise, going the easy way - is there anything wrong with connecting the "-" to the ground earth internally through a simple mechanical switch (to have it earth grounded on demand) ?
Just for reference: