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"Always on top" for electronics part numbering


Are you ever doing hundreds of part number searches and have to keep stopping to write  down a part number...?.woudlnt it be easier to just have like a notepad that you could keep "always on top" on the screen, and you coudl just paste the part number on to it?
Do you know how to do/get this?

I just downloaded Turbotop and it didnt work...then downloaded "deskpins", and some other application downloaded instead.


--- Quote ---woudlnt it be easier to just have like a notepad that you could keep "always on top" on the screen, and you coudl just paste the part number on to it?
Do you know how to do/get this?
--- End quote ---

1)format c drive
2)install ubuntu,other flavours of linux are available
3)start up the text editor/spreadsheet/whatever
4)right click the top bar and select "always on top"

In Windows, it is called "Notepad."  Ironic?

If you use a Windows PC, create a text file containing:

--- Code: ---.LOG
--- End code ---
as its first line, and create a shortcut to open it in Notepad, placed wherever best suits your workflow.   When you open it, Notepad adds a date/time stamp at the bottom of the file and positions the cursor below it ready for you to add new notes.  When you close it you'll be asked if you wish to save or discard any changes, including the new timestamp.

If you are doing a lot of copy/pasting from your web browser or other documentation, Microsoft Powertoys offers an 'Always on Top' function, which if enabled is activated by keying Win+Ctrl+T (unless you change that) while the window you want to keep on top is in focus.  You can also automate setting a window always on top with various macro or scripting utilities, e.g. AutoIt 3 or AutoHotkey, if you want the window to be always on top automatically when first opened.

There are many post-it type utils, but the one I use (in preference to the one I paid for) is Stickies:


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