Good afternoon. I have been using the Pdk1200 for nine months now and have been in correspondence with the manufacturer for nine months. Two days after the purchase, the encoder broke. Then, after the update, the temperature problems started. For example, the set temperature is 300 degrees, on t245, t210, t115 the temperature reached 345-350 °, and then dropped to 300 °. At the moment, in firmware 1.1.3 t210, t115, the temperature does not stabilize, when setting 300 °, the temperature jumps by 285,300,320,290,310 °. Temperature measurement is carried out using Atten ST1090, lötkolben i2c pdk. The station has great potential.This is a good and convenient station, very powerful. A good alternative to other stations in this price segment.If you remove all the errors in the firmware, then this one will be a worthy competitor. But the manufacturer couldn't write a normal firmware for a long time. When buying, the optimal firmware was 1.0.5.