just new to the forum, new to this thread, Arjan is my name.
I own a b3603 and bst400 and I'm interested in a full functionality device:
serial controllable, and/or standalone using buttons and display.
option to program some additional customized features.
a few topics
On the buttons which Hobby16 functionaly described correctly, I basically
rediscovered/reverse engineered it and published working code for it.
See Barch's git repo issue #11 "Use the buttons" (
https://github.com/baruch/b3603/issues/11key detail not mentionned before is there is need to some delay in reading the secondary keys
because rise time when switching from output/low to input/pull-up(high) has
a rather huge rise time. (checked with scope)
I noticed afterwards several implementations but no code. well here it is for
Started used Baruch's git repo, where the display is not working properly, it shows only a last digit.
About to dive into that, I noticed RailWar's post of binary firmware with
brief description in whatsnew.txt
flashing that firmware _has_ working digits, buttons, serial and a button
controlled menu's.
That really looks great!!
I hope source will be published soon so we/i can work on that and see if it
can made to work on the bst400 family as well.
I'm curious if the working display is related to compiler or actually fixes
have been applied, and what those optional fixes where.
RailWar's 2.0.0 firmware has made a useable menu using buttons, great!
calibration RailWar's version:
calibration on RailWar's Version 2.0.0cosmic isn't clear to me. perhaps
someone can give me a hint on this (source not available yet).
What I tried:
Initial values:
CALIBRATE Uin ADC: 6.4601/87.3947
CALIBRATE Uout ADC: 5.6507/452.0000
CALIBRATE Iout ADC: 0.5156/200.0000
CALIBRATE Uout PWM: 0.1820/109.9180
CALIBRATE Iout PWM: 1.9394/160.0000
CALIBRATE Uin ADC: 423366/5727497
CALIBRATE Uout ADC: 370323/29622272
CALIBRATE Iout ADC: 33792/13107200
CALIBRATE Uout PWM: 11928/7203586
CALIBRATE Iout PWM: 127100/10485760
Wanting to start with PWM output voltage calibration and ADC voltage
I thought just re-apply the given values to discover how it works
>PWM_UOUT 0.1820/109.9180
CALIBRATE a/b: 0.0000/1020.0000
but a and b value get converted to .. well I don't know.
any ideas please?
Voltage peak when powering on:
Described on:
https://github.com/baruch/b3603/issues/3Suggested by user flex in this thread (2015) is a solution removing R16 and adding a resistor (min 10K, advised
100K) from Vin to LM2596 (~OE).
That works properly as long the top/controll board is attached.
The maximum input voltage on LM2696 is 25V for ~OE might get exceded, depending on input voltage and ~OE
(non specified) input impedance, and resistor you had chosen.
I recommend using a voltage devider of 2x 47K: Vin - 47K ~OE - 47K - gnd as
is documented in LM2596 product pages. (and still removing R16)
resulting in:
-making the fundamental power-on voltage peak problem go away
-possible to safely remove topboard without exceeding 25V for ~EO
-not exceeding maximum current injection of 4mA to the SMT8 (output not enabled)
-not exceeding maximum current of the STM8 when output is enabled.
Did not test it _yet_, waiting for a few 47K smd resistors.
Did anyone investigate this issue on the BST400? (I guess the same issue, but no
LM2596 is used), so solution might be a littlebit different.
usage on BST400:
swapped the topboard on a BST400 with a B3603 with RailWay's 2.0.0 firmware.
It drived the output voltage, tested set voltage 15V & 20V but outputs 60V and 80
volts and CC led keeps burning (which i didn't expect).
so my first impression is it is going to work, needed (heavy) recalibration, new
definition of maximum values, and maybe some port swaps in software.
Did anyone investigate this further?