I just did a small
hardware mod 
One problem with the b3603 is, if you connect power, the output will be on for a small period of time (even if the unit is turned off). This is a hardware bug, and happens because the 5V switching reg is starting up too slowly to disable the LM2596 from the beginning.
Solution: solder an additional pull up resistor between pin6 (easier access tha ~OE) and Vin+ on the bottom board to ensure that the output is off and remove R16 on the top board. This resistor has to be at least 10k, because otherwise you could exceed the absolute max injected current of the stm8 with 40V Vin. I used a 100k resistor. R16 has to be removed, because otherwise we'll get an unintended voltage divider.
Did anyone evaluate the dynamic performance of this device?
If noone does it, I'll test it at the end of next week. Btw we should be able to tweak the performance by changing R34, R35, C14 (current) and R20, R19, C10 (voltage).
@baruch I think you got the idea behind my drawing
I updated the schematic again, because the bottom board had lost it's component labels.