Ok, I upgraded my shunt with the Vishey WSL2R0500FEA, a 75ppm shunt. The improvement is measurable but far below what I had expected. This points to two possible explaination: (1) The
stock shunt is better than I had thought, and/or (2) the location of the shunt is too awful for it to cool.
I think the stock shunt is probably 150ppm.
Before we look at the new graphs, let's refresh our memory on the
two baseline graph/data with the stock shunt posted on 2/4/15.

Using the same setup to let the shunt heat up at 1900 or 1600mA, which takes about 20 minutes to heat to equilibrium, and cools it by fan and it take just over 5 minutes for it to cool to equilibrium. I set the no fan heat up for 35 minutes, and fan cool down to 8 minutes.
Below are the new data with the
Vishay shunt. You can see that the max/min swing is about half.
Vishay shunt swings 2006 to 1973 = +-33
Stock shunt swings 2009 to 1954 = +-55
Vishay shunt swings 1613 to 1592 = +-21
Stock shunt swings 1628 to 1591 = +-37
[new 1900 picture]

[new 1600 picture]

Note also, at near 2.0A, one should run a fan at the voltage regulator. It gets very uncomfortably hot bear 2A.
The low improvement is disappointing.