the one I linked has a mechanical clutch but its pretty weak and IDK how accurate it is, and you need to fiddle with it a bit because I noticed before I added some high quality oil, when it was set to high torque, then set to low torque, it would seem to have a split second region of high torque... might be enough to damage a tiny plastic thread if its crossthreaded.
when I added some silicone oil and played with the torque setting alot, it seems to have gone away. but regardless if you need absolute lowest torque, hold it in your hands and let it snap once after adjusting the clutch.
maybe it was just bad grease from storage
Like, do that procedure if your gonna be screwing down glass.. tldr make sure clutch not sticky
Honestly if I need power I just use the fucking cheap home depot folding electric battery driver (orange black, black decker i think). i think 30$ in 2015 but it works just fine and saved me like 200$ over the milwakee 4v thing. i am thinking no matter what they say using the tiny pen for high power will always go bad, regardless of the brand or quality, its just too small. the gears can't take it. the cheap plastic one has no point stress issues.. you just can't use a clock for installing #12 bolts lol