Author Topic: blink outdoor 4 / hack ?  (Read 692 times)

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Offline KD0CAC JohnTopic starter

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blink outdoor 4 / hack ?
« on: December 20, 2024, 02:28:02 am »
One of those Amazon [ little info before buying ] deals .
Took out of box to get setup to use , & found that it did very little without paying for a subscription .
Put back in box to return , got a refund - but was told do not return ?

So now I thinking about if there might be a way to use without subscription and have just couple basic functions - would like to set up to record locally through WiFi , or BlueTooth - the only option to record was to internet storage with subscription .

Looking for ideas / options ?

Offline u666sa

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Re: blink outdoor 4 / hack ?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2024, 10:06:31 am »
Sell that thing  :popcorn:

Buy couple of small or tiny cameras for a notebook, the smaller the better. From Sony VIAO usually smallest.

They are USB. So you can connect them with a quality USB 2.0 4.5 meter cable to an old notebook.

Using Xeoma software, which is free and paid, depending on version, you have yourself a video surveilance system.

Now keep in mind, you can make that cameras looking like a regular cable, so they are hidden, plus your notebook has a battery, so no power outtages can disable it, and also you can mess with camera filters and make them night vision.

Offline u666sa

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Re: blink outdoor 4 / hack ?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2024, 10:07:42 am »
As far as your Wifi high tech camera stuff. In comes me and using Wifite2 and airgeddon jamming you, stealing your cameras, and your porch chair.

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