The BWD mini Lab is actually not a bad thing to have at all. Nothing in it is spectacular, but it provides a lot in one place. 0 to 200V DC, +/15V power supply, the function generator, and the power opamp was actually unique and very handy.
But the prices have gone nuts. Under $100 it is an interesting proposition, but at $400 - no way.
BWD was a company of really great designers. They managed to design a lot of very impressive equipment from a small, low budget operation. The Mini Lab may be fairly basic, but it will be well designed, and it will work well. BWD was principally in the oscilloscope design business, but they also made some good power supplies. The Mini Lab was a one-off idea, but it seemed to be popular.
Their best product was the Powerscope range. If you were working with motors, 3-phase or switching power supply design, these were just amazing. 4 fully differential channels so you could clip the channel probes between any two point you liked. Rated at up to 660VAC input on any channel. Didn't matter if the points were grounded, floating. Most important of all, the differential inputs really worked.