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Any one own a Fluke 199c? I found one at a price I couldnt pass up so I bought it. I have more than enough test equipment and dmm,s but this was a steal. Any way was just curious what anyone thought of this particular HH scope. It works really good I cant find any problems at all. Ill play around with it for a bit and if I cant/dont/wont use it Ill consider selling it.

well, what do you expect from a $2K++ HH DMM DSO?

I don't own one, only know of it. 

Its great tool, the killer is the cost needed to make it a portable scope.  It lists for $3600, you can get an equivalent desktop scope for 70% less at the same bandwidth, but without the CAT level safety or portability.

Given its power requirements, it uses rechargeable battery packs, I hope they are also not expensive to replace.

Well its got everything with it as far as i can tell, It came in a big hard case. Only thing it doesnt have is the battery pak, Im using alkilines in it right now. Its a little older than I thought though. I pulled up the cal menu and it read 2006 october. It doesnt appear to have been used much at all no scrathes or dents or dings and the lcd is extremeley clear. I said it wa a good deal, I gave the woman 1000 dollars so idk. i must say the more I use it the more i like it.

$1000 I'd consider buying it, but I'd not blink if it was the 200 MHz version.  

The 199c has been around a while, that's a good thing, its tried and tested, debugged  ;D!

It runs off alkaline too?  That's sweet!  That means it can work off regular NiMH AA, its a steal then.  Congratulations!

--- Quote from: Vyper on January 22, 2011, 06:41:21 pm ---Well its got everything with it as far as i can tell, It came in a big hard case. Only thing it doesnt have is the battery pak, Im using alkilines in it right now. Its a little older than I thought though. I pulled up the cal menu and it read 2006 october. It doesnt appear to have been used much at all no scrathes or dents or dings and the lcd is extremeley clear. I said it wa a good deal, I gave the woman 1000 dollars so idk. i must say the more I use it the more i like it.

--- End quote ---


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