Maybe so but I don't think you understand the basic principle behind a GTI.
To the mains a GTI looks like a constant current source. The output voltage is equal to that of the mains, regardless of whether the current is sinusoidal or perfectly in phase with the mains or not. In theory the current will be the same regardless of the voltage, meaning if the output terminals are shorted the voltage will be zero, if the output terminals are open circuit, the output voltage sill be infinite. In practise it's not a perfect current source, the mains needs to the present to act as a frequency reference and the protection circuit limits the maximum and minimum voltage.
Think of your solar panel acting like a current source when it's charging the batteries, you could short circuit it or connect a 6V battery, rather than a 12V batter and the current will be the same. A GTI is similar, except it's AC not DC.