Dymo paper is only good initially, they will quickly devolve to using the cheapest nastiest paper they can get soon enough, because the consumer has no choice any more, use the shyte Dymo sells, or have to change printer ecosystem. You will find many software vendors will not write for any other printers, because Dymo will pay them to write software in that only uses the particular printer.
Soon you will then find that you can only use branded paper for printers as well, and they will not work with other paper other than OEM, yet the exact same paper is sold with different brands on it, and different ID's in the RFID chip, that you will have to put in the printer, which will count off the sheets till it decides the paper is finished.
Incidentally, you can buy labels for under $1 per thousand, which have varying tack levels, and also labels that are designed for removal, or designed for permanence. Just have to buy a Zebra printer instead, which does not care about the label, and does not even care if the label is in the printer, or fed in through the slot in the rear so you can put the roll of 100 000 there and have it churn away 24/7 printing them. Seen them with thousands of kilometres of print on the head, and it is warrantied for a million metres of print.