Just joined this forum.
Such a relief to find this thread and your priceless youtube material, very much appreciated.
I have V8 with SV10 battery.
I sourced some Molicel 20700A cells, and have successfully changed out individual cells twice in the past, soldering, with no issue.
Poor performance yet again, tired of repeated strip down of pack, so decided to replace all 6.
Bought ten brand new Molicels, (expensive here, in UK) and and spent a long time performing discharge tests on quality RC iCharger, 2A down to 3V/cell, and managed to select 6 with only 40mAh between best/worst. Really lucky.
Charged all to exactly 3.85V each.
Spot welded them all in yesterday, which I was really pleased with, after having experimented for an eternity first.
End result - 4 x red LED flash if press trigger, or plug into charger.
If hold trigger, 4 x red, then 1 x blue.
Lots of web searching, to discover this Dyson PCB "kill feature", and additionally, was absolutely shocked to discover lack of BMS balancing function (an absolutely essential function of any BMS...unbelievable).....absolutely furious, after so much cell research/welding prep etc.
Anyhow, I only wish to be able to unlock the BMS, changing the 2 x values in the eeprom positions, and have a couple of questions:-
a) Can someone please tell me the correct pcb mapping (N7,N3,N4,N8,N9) to Vpp/Vdd/Vss/Data/Clock.
b) Also, if my pack is all assembled, do I need to check the Vdd box, or is the chip powered within the pcb?
Many thanks, Steve