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Eakins Simul-Focus Scope Decision

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Hi all

New here to both electronics and soldering. Used to do security research and now want to branch into hardware analysis. I am looking into two scopes. The Eakins 3.5x90x with various barlow lens 0.7, camera adjustment 0.35 or the 3.5x45x

Really not sure which one is better for soldering, rework, IC chip removal with my ATTEN.. Any advice would be appreciated.

If you are using hot air, usually you don't bother doing that under the microscope.

Anyway here is a link to what I assume you are talking about?
Eakins 3.5x90x
Eakins 3.5x45x

Both look fine to me.
Its up to you to determine what style of stand you prefer. The second stand is easy to move but also can easily shake.

You can read many threads we have here discussing microscopes.

Thanks @thm_w. Do you know if there are differences in the heads between these two models, or is it just changing the barlow lenses to alter the magnification. i.e. the heads are identical?

Be careful with the zoom ratings on those microscopes.
I've not looked into this in a while so it could have changed, but the microscope heads used to be the same on all of them.


7x - 45x Microscope head in stock form, i.e without a barlow lens.
3.5x - 22.5x with a 0.5 barlow lens
14x - 90x with a 2x barlow lens

So china sellers would merge the 0.5x and 2x barlow options together and take the best of both. Calling the microscope 3.5x - 90x when the head is only 7x-45x (Since the 3.5x - 90x range is possible if you swap barlow's around but not at the same time)

For general electronics 3.5x - 22.5x is great,  the 0.5x barlow lens makes the working distance awesome and 22.5x zoom is more than enough.

For tiny things like cellphone PCBs no barlow lens is good, so 7-45.   AFAIK very few people run a constant 2x barlow for electronic stuff, the working distance is like an inch.

In addition to above, putting a lens on the camera port is needed otherwise the camera only sees a tiny % of the image you see. My scope has a lens on the camera that says AZMCTV1/2  (so 0.5).  It's not 100% the same size image an eye piece see's but it's fine.
Note that my scope is from Luckyzoom, not Eakins, but they are all made in the same factory.
The threads on the camera port has changed though, so the adaptors aren't all compatible.

This is the one I am thinking of;

Ill likely just get the first option without the camera as all the the other options include the camera in the picture yet in the "whats included" the camera is listed as optional...dodgy :)


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