I just received and unpacked my Ersa iCon Nano Mk.2 today, and I'm super-impressed!

This is definitely a luxery upgrade from using basic soldering irons! I hadn't thought about it until now, but even the cable to the soldering iron makes a HUGE difference (I'm used to thick and much stiffer AC cables which are always in the way). The thin silicon cable is so much better

The whole unit screams "quality" and "luxery", and "Made in Germany" adds to this.
I've powered it on just to see if everything's OK, and I was very impressed about how quickly it gets ready. Again, I'm used to a soldering iron which means plug it in, take a cup of coffee or something for a few minutes, then get back to soldering. But here it's just a matter of seconds! I look forward to actually using it (and with the filtered solder-fume fan the whole soldering experience will reach another level).
I have a couple of questions, which the manual doesn't answer:
1) the manual instructs to switch off the station and let the soldering iron tip cool down to 40 degrees C.
Obviously I can't follow the termperature reading in the display with it switched off, so how long do I have to wait for it to cool down?
2) What are the four brass rods for (that go on top of the stand)?