Get something silly, like a bunch of AAA batteries, do a detailed unboxing, including lyrical waxing about the fine way the address label is attached to the box. And then follow up with a detailed review of the batteries. Including such important issues like weighting each battery and doing statistics with the results.
And make every third sentence one of
By the way, Farnell won't sell these batteries to you if you are a hobbyist in Denmark,.
By the way, Farnell won't sell these batteries to you if you are a hobbyist in Finland.
By the way, Farnell won't sell these batteries to you if you are a hobbyist in Norway.
By the way, Farnell won't sell these batteries to you if you are a hobbyist in Sweden.
By the way, Farnell won't sell these batteries to you if you are a hobbyist in Germany.
By the way, Farnell won't sell these batteries to you if you are a hobbyist in Austria.
By the way, Farnell won't sell these batteries to you if you are a hobbyist in Portugal.
By the way, Farnell won't sell these batteries to you if you are a hobbyist in India.