An new discovery ?
Some times you discover new things , even with out looking for them.
Today I was measuring current with my external ampere clamp ( probe ) ,
and the FLUKE 28II , and I needed the back-light.
And so I set it to on , and continued doing my work by adjusting an circuit ,
and suddenly the Back-light turned off by it self .. !!
In the beginning I was confused , because few seconds before it go off ,
I was checking the Min-Max-average , and I had the feeling that some how I caused the back light to go off.
Then I stopped my work , and set the Back-light on and waited to see what happens !!
And it did go off by it self !! what ?
Then I took a timer , and yes the Back-light goes off in two minutes time ( actually 2.07 ).
I tried this test in both scales of luminosity ( low - high) and does that in both !!
Why in earth some one to set an timer on the back light ?
That's impractical , and stops me from doing my work .
The only thing that will calm me down ,
would be a tip of how to stop this timer from interfering as " power save" mode .