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Fluke 8860A inside photo’s and Voltage comparison video (2.5mb pics)


I ordered 2 meters from prestigetest, they arrived today and since you guys like inside photos I took couple photos. More info about package and the topic of prestigetest can be found here:

I ordered a Fluke 8860A and a 8010A from prestigetest, I also ordered a manual, calibration manual and service manual from ebay for the 8860A, when these arrive I will try to put them in this topic.
Both meters are working on 110V and since we have 220V here I had to wait for the manuals, but like always my patience is not so great so I opened up the multimeters, 8860A was easy to setup on 220V but 8010A needs a transformer change (or a step-down transformer)

Anyways, how does this 5.5 digit Fluke from early 80’s perform against fairly new multimeters like Fluke 77IV and Gossen Metrawatt – Metrahit 23s with Voltage measurement?  Well just watch the video,  while ramping up the voltage with a Xantrex XT 30-2 lab power supply:

And now some photo’s of the 8860A, front view:

Powered on in trigger mode:

Back side:

Top view without cover, looks like it is fun to calibrate this multimeter :D

Right side:

Left side:

Cover from left side removed:

Close up:

Another close up:

Top view without shield, I love the sound of relays clicking when changing modes in the morning :D :

Bottom view and bottom cover, wires? hmmz...:

If you buy one of these from US and you want it set it to 220V, this is the setting:

8860A found his place on my bench, I will be using 8860A for fast measurements, it will serve me well, I don’t need to grab my handhelds every time and put them back in the shelf again when I finish (I like clean benchs)

Congrats on the new toys.
..but still not enough power supplies ;D

Thanks :)
Yeah i should stop buying second hands when i see cheap ones, i got those over the years, my favorite is still the biggest  ;D

Nice 'new' meter you got there. Funny that I never get tired of looking inside these things.

For the intrested, Line voltage switch locations and settings with frequency setting:


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