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Geeboon TC20A (now TC22) 240W - TC20B 380W - JBC clone

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Glad you like it  thm_w, here is a short video of the assembled kit (2x GBN 245 &210 + Aixun 210)

Pay attention to the sensing pin of the Aixun – different way. The Aixun handle is not designed for that touching plate and does not lay properly (meaning, it doesn’t make good contact). Out of the box, all start to work straightway. I want to fix the hot replug issue, but I'll see when I have time.
I attached the STL files, in case someone needs them, happy upgrading!

Hi. I was able to open the switch and I can say that both the soldering station and the switch do not have proper hot tip swap. Both signals “Stop” and “Sleep” are directly sent to the station and the “Stop” is not used at all, only “Sleep” is used for the tool detection. I did not expect that! I could not see good input protection for the controller inputs! (I don’t have a schematic to estimate that, but it is what I saw)
I can see each channel has 2 relays, for power and signal, both with 2-row contacts (How that guy has compensated for the cold junction – with or without the switch?).
Good idea and promises ...

PS - I made a mistake about the microcontroller inputs protection -  I can confirm it is ok. Sorry about that.

I see they have both TC20B and HC24, both supporting C470 and boastring 400W power. The only difference I see is that the HC has a bigger screen, is bigger overall and has the original JBC connector.
Does anybody know of any other differences? I would be tempted to try the HC, as it seems beefier.


--- Quote from: keenox on December 13, 2024, 04:33:58 pm ---I see they have both TC20B and HC24, both supporting C470 and boastring 400W power. The only difference I see is that the HC has a bigger screen, is bigger overall and has the original JBC connector.
Does anybody know of any other differences? I would be tempted to try the HC, as it seems beefier.

--- End quote ---

HC24 has exhaust fan connector, larger LCD, more power (450W peak, TC20B is 380W, claimed), internal fan, channel preset buttons.

The hardware difference between TC20A and TC22 from the ruff picture shared here is the added current 10A sensor, and of course mainly in the firmware


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