I received an original C115 tip, cost was ~$30:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005900373122.htmlSome shapes are up to $43.
Visually it clearly is better than the OSS tip, in finish and in design. The OSS has rough surfaces. Length is the same but the OSS is proportioned differently, to the point it doesn't work with the stand removal tool on the aixun T380.
Tinned section of the OSS is larger, which can be good for general use.
OSS tip resistance: 2.95 ohm
JBC tip resistance: 3.52 ohm
Performance of the real JBC tip is significantly better.
For some reason the OSS tip just bounces between 20 and 60 percent power draw, the JBC is constant at ~50%. This makes me think its a bug or current limit within the T380 though. I don't have another station to compare to yet.
For $4 is the OSS C115 tip usable? Absolutely. I would start with that and upgrade if you need more.
JBC left OSS right: