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Hot Air Rework Station Recommendations.

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Hootis Tigglebits:
My employer has allotted me up to $1600 for a new hot air station. The current one we have has a vacuum, foot pedal, and nozzles for different types of IC’s and gets used almost daily  We mainly use it to remove surface mount components down to 0603.  I need a replacement that is good quality and has similar features.  Can anyone provide me with recommendations? 

Either buy the same unit, or get one of the various hot air stations that has been recommended here multiple times (use search feature) and a separate vacuum tool:

None of the whizzbang features but This one works great.

Atten ST-862D

US Wholesaler link.


--- Quote from: Hootis Tigglebits on March 01, 2024, 09:01:07 pm ---My employer has allotted me up to $1600 for a new hot air station. The current one we have has a vacuum, foot pedal, and nozzles for different types of IC’s and gets used almost daily  We mainly use it to remove surface mount components down to 0603.  I need a replacement that is good quality and has similar features.  Can anyone provide me with recommendations?

--- End quote ---
What do you have now, and why are you replacing it?

Never heard of the Wholesale Gadget Parts site before, but if thats legit its a great price.  I ordered mine over the summer for $170 which was the cheapest at that time.

I bought mine at Newark.  Its exactly the same but has Newark's "Multicomp Pro" brand name on it instead.   They whitelabeled it basically.

If the wholesale gadget site is legit that's a really amazing price.


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