Products > Other Equipment & Products
HP 6632A 20V 5Amps Programmable PSU
Just saw one on ebay for 100USD
Is it worth the money? For a second PSU
I have 2 6632B's , i think it's the same model but with a VFD instead of LCD.
They are super precise , and can sink & source current.
The meters are/were the most accurate i had when i bought them.
So i ended up buying an Agilent 34401A DMM , just to verify & calibrate them.
All in all my best PSU's , but a bit noisy. (As in more than a Rigol scope) :-\
I actually ended up getting & repairing a HP E3610A , for doing longtime tests on voltage ref's.
That one has no fans ....
But i wouldn't miss out on my 6632B's , i just don't want them on 24/7 for longtime tests.
Ps: I just saw it ;) - I guess "No postage"
Nice price .....
I wrote a GPIB-program for my Prologix , to characterize/profile the PSU's on my new Agilent 34401A.
And the result is rather nice , gpib is stepping the voltage from 0..20v in 100mV steps , and reading the voltage from the 34401A.
Attached are 2 excel sheets of the results ... Deviation from center (gpib specified/programmed voltage)
I got an Agilent & a HP 6632B , and one can cleary see that Agilent modified the firmware in the newer Agilent model. See how the voltage ramps up , instead of the "random on the HP"
Nice. Actually so as to speak i don't really want a linear power supply, i know HP can do a good job of a switching supply so i don't want a linear supply
Not that i am not open to options ... but i can't find a HP linear supply sold locally for less then 150$ ...
So yeah, 6632 it shall be
Thanks guys,
Ehh ....
The 6632 is linear ;)
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