Products > Other Equipment & Products

Jabe UD-1200 vs. Jabe UD-1200 PRO vs. JBC CD-2SQE - need Firmware for UD-1200

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Did you desolder the eprom and read it with external eprom reader like T56 or RT809H? Show me an image of the eprom (to read the marking).

I read it TL866 2 plus

I can't attach a file, it gives an error

@Vasil78 An image should not exceed the limit for a single file of 8 MB or up to 10 images and 8 MB for all the images. If you wan't to upload a bin file, rename it to .txt extension.

Here it is

I guess the Eprom is a ATMLHxxx 08CM?
Did you read out as AT24C08C?
When erasing, what voltage to you have on WP Pin-7?


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