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Products => Other Equipment & Products => Topic started by: VinzC on October 14, 2023, 04:50:15 pm

Title: Looking for parts to build/repair Dupont connectors myself
Post by: VinzC on October 14, 2023, 04:50:15 pm
Hi all.

My Dupont male connectors break one by one. They just bend then break and the wire becomes completely useless. Consequently I decided to repair them and shop for parts, especially the male pins... I thought it'd be relatively straightforward. Good joke! I can't figure out for the life of me the name/brand/model of the parts involved in building those connectors. I spent hours and hours searching DigiKey and Mouser, in vain. I could find French articles (example: ( for doing your wires but either the kits don't specify the constituting parts or I can't find the part names by DigiKey or Mouser. Absolutely none of my searches returned the parts I wanted.

I'm about to go nuts. I give up.

What shall I look for on Mouser or Digikey?

Thanks a whole lot in advance,
Title: Re: Looking for parts to build/repair Dupont connectors myself
Post by: Ian.M on October 14, 2023, 06:00:49 pm
This came up last week: (

Another problem is the tooling required.  The official crimp tool for any of the leading brand contacts will cost you an arm and a leg.  The cheap knockoff tools for 'duPont' contacts generally don't do the job properly.  See (
Title: Re: Looking for parts to build/repair Dupont connectors myself
Post by: VinzC on October 14, 2023, 08:26:03 pm
Thanks a lot.

I indeed have a multi-use crimp tool. So far I'm more interested in repairing my wires for occasional use than a reliable crimping. None of my "crimps" are for heavy usage, especially given that the male pin breaks rather than the wires get off.

Now I finally can order parts, so a million thanks for that :-+