Yihua has gone full clone mode, they have a variety of JBC type stations: 982, 982D 245, 982-III 115. But the ones relevant here:
982D-I $270:
- 90W
- Built in thermocouple for calibration
982D-III $400:
- C210 + C120 tweezer
- 210W total
Downsides: proprietary circular connector, also the station seems to be completely dedicated for tweezer use. Its not clear if it can actually detect handpiece variations, maybe the C210/C245 one can though.
Still way too expensive for budget tweezers, but at least it means some C120 clone tips could become more common:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006762434960.htmlI assume the tweezer handpiece also fits C210 tips as the dimensions are the same? Maybe someone can offer a handle and just run the tips in parallel, as handskit did with T12.