This is my "first" tear down of a piece of test/lab equipment, I thought I would share with you all.
I haven't seen any detailed tear down pics of this power supply and thought others might be interested.
I have had this supply for a few months now, and finally got around to checking out its "guts". I am really pleased with its performance, low to no overshoot and its pretty much spot-on voltage and current settings (checked with Fluke 87v, 289 and an Agilent U1272a).
Only a few (minor?) issues.
(Sorry I dont know how to get the picture "inline" on this forum.)
Picture 1 and 2 are the Front/Side Views
Picture 3 Left side circuit board, there is a "mirror" on the other side. Note the hard to see in this pic crushed capacitor, and poor placement of components. (better images lower down in this post.) Heatsinked TO220 is a 7812, and the non heatsinked one is a 7805)
Picture 4 and 5 Left side circuit board again, in 5 you can really see the crushed capacitor!
Picture 6 my 8 year old niece can place components neater than that!
Picture 7 overview, big toroid.
Picture 8 Right side circuit board
Picture 9 this appears to be the dedicated 5v output, 2 white wires come from the toroid, the red/black wires go to the dedicated 5v binding posts on the front panel, chip on this board is a LM723
Picture 10 back side of the front panel
Picture 11 more poor component placement.
Picture 12 inside of back panel, the transistors on the outside of the heatsinks plug into these boards.
Picture 13 back panel transistors.
If you want full sized original 18 megapixel images, you can see them here: uploading as of 19:10 GMT)
If anyone wants any more detailed pics of any part of it, or pics of something I looked over, let me know and I will post them.