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Microscope Barlow/Reduction Lens - Help me choose 0.5x or 0.63x


Hi all -

I am in the process of purchasing a Leica Ivesta microscope for microsoldering work which will require having a soldering iron or hot air gun in between the circuit board and the bottom of the microscope. I am set on everything except the choice for the barlow/reduction lens.

Here are some numbers:
Working distance without barlow/supplementary lens (per Leica specs)- 122mm
Working distance with 0.5x lens (my calculation) - 183mm
Working distance with 0.63x lens (my calculation) - 198mm

While the difference between 182mm to 198mm seems minimal on paper, it could in reality be the difference between forcing my head/neck into an uncomfortable position high up or keeping it at a natural level. I am aware that this depends on the individual using the microscope and how they sit when working. I unfortunately do not have the ability to try one size and the other without actually purchasing one of each and risking a return of the less comfortable size.

So I am mostly curious right now - how many people here use 0.5x compared to 0.63x barlow/reduction lens? And if you have had the ability to try both sizes, which one did you end up choosing and why?

I have the 0.5x barlow for my 0.7x - 3x zoom with 10x eyepieces, but I almost never use it.  Typically no problems soldering or hot air reworking with the about 4" working distance (101mm) without the barlow.  It spends most of it's time on the 0.7x zoom setting.

(EDIT) Forgot to mention... fix height issues with your chair, not your microscope :)

I have 0.5x ~200mm working distance, and the eyepieces are about right in line with where they should be. But there are too many variables: my height, the height of the microscope itself from bottom to eyepiece, etc.

Is there a way you can get the dimensions of the microscope and try to figure out what your eye position will be?

Can you figure out what thread is used, another option is just to buy a few cheap types from aliexpress to trial out. I paid $20-30 for 0.5x of various sizes.

Electro Fan:
In looking at different microscope configurations I found that of course the working distance is driven by various lens magnifications, etc. At the end of the configuring you end up with working distance, field of view, etc. and then when it's all done the microscope sits on a bench at some height and you wind up with the oculars at some height.  Long story short, in addition to the microscope configuration when you factor in the bench height plus your height you can drive the oculars to a height that is either good for you when you are standing, or sitting, or possibly both.  Point being that maybe either standing or sitting at just the right height, for your height and preferences, could help ease the strain on your neck / shoulders / back / etc.

Here is a link to a thread where at the end I recorded some measurements in an attached table that might help your process of selecting an optimum solution.

At the very end of my microscope configuring project was the selection of a stool/chair that had a good foot rest and that could be raised or lowered within just the right range and that was stable (I replaced the roller feet with stationary feet).  The stool/chair was a full piece of the microscope system in terms of its impact on system usability.

Hope something in here is helpful.  Good luck!

0.5x here, working distance quite high.
I also have 0.7x which I ordered after I got me 0.5x. Reason for 0.7x is that at the time it appeared with 0.5x eyepieces were too high for me. But then later I got used to that position and am using 0.5x

Thing is, you have to get all 3, 0.7x, 0.5x, 0.48x, because working conditions will be different. There will be times when you need your microscope high and times when you will need it close.


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