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New Aixun T320 - Any opinions on it? (with inside pics)

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Electro Fan:

--- Quote from: Eltax1693 on November 10, 2024, 09:51:15 am ---I bought an original JBC tip from Welectron. 
What a difference.

--- End quote ---

Just to confirm/clarify, you are using a JBC 245? tip or handle too? with an Aixun T320?  How would you describe the difference?  Thx

Sorry for the delay. Heat transfer to pcb. I only bought the JBC C245-061 tip. Use Aixun handle.

--- Quote from: Electro Fan on November 29, 2024, 11:22:42 am ---
--- Quote from: Eltax1693 on November 10, 2024, 09:51:15 am ---I bought an original JBC tip from Welectron. 
What a difference.

--- End quote ---

Just to confirm/clarify, you are using a JBC 245? tip or handle too? with an Aixun T320?  How would you describe the difference?  Thx

--- End quote ---


after nearly 12 months I got message "handle disconnected". Placing handle back in cradle, temperature is shown again, sometimes I can solder, sometimes not.

I didn't use solder station often during those 12 months. So I would judge quality of handle cable as POOR.   :--   Also difficult to get plug out. I see locking button, but pushing it down doesn't work, I have to use a screw driver in addition.

Luckily I already have a spare handle.
With this one it is easier to get plug out.
And for the moment I can solder.



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