Products > Other Equipment & Products

Pace ADS200 soldering station

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Manufacturers don't tend to publish detailed technical changes between models, or even board revisions. Back when schematics were supplied they rarely did then either, you had to figure it out yourself.


--- Quote from: Shock on May 04, 2024, 05:33:32 am ---Manufacturers don't tend to publish detailed technical changes between models, or even board revisions. Back when schematics were supplied they rarely did then either, you had to figure it out yourself.

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Well fair enough but the problem is that a sales speech won't convince me to upgrade/buy the newer version.

I've been wanting to buy another power supply so I can have one dedicated to the tweezers I bought separately.  Maybe I'll buy a plus (gotta make sure the vendor will actually send me a plus) and take a look inside.  The firmware on an ADS200 is stored on the Atmel 89C51RB2, trying to figure out how to read that with this Xgecu T48 I purchased recently.  They have a definition for the RD2 which is the 64K version but not the RB2 (16K)
I'm guessing it's locked though? I don't know much about this stuff.
Would be cool if its just a new firmware...


--- Quote from: pac1085 on June 15, 2024, 09:48:46 pm ---I've been wanting to buy another power supply so I can have one dedicated to the tweezers I bought separately.  Maybe I'll buy a plus (gotta make sure the vendor will actually send me a plus) and take a look inside.  The firmware on an ADS200 is stored on the Atmel 89C51RB2, trying to figure out how to read that with this Xgecu T48 I purchased recently.  They have a definition for the RD2 which is the 64K version but not the RB2 (16K)
I'm guessing it's locked though? I don't know much about this stuff.
Would be cool if its just a new firmware...

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Thanks, please let us know if you end up buying the plus version.

--- Quote ---Would be cool if its just a new firmware...
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Would be even cooler if PACE let current and potential users know what has changed.


--- Quote from: pope on June 16, 2024, 08:01:23 am ---
--- Quote ---Would be cool if its just a new firmware...
--- End quote ---

Would be even cooler if PACE let current and potential users know what has changed.

--- End quote ---
Has anyone actually asked? Pace seems like the kind of company that would tell us, given how open they’ve been in the past.


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