Author Topic: Oldish JBC CD-BD soldering station hackable to be compatible with tweezer tools?  (Read 975 times)

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Offline DarkwingTopic starter

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Dear folks!

I own a JBC CD-DB Compact Soldering Station (that is meanwhile discontinued). I now want to use a tweezer tool, like the AM120, on it.

 "Officially" there is no tweezer tool for it, but I wonder if someone has experience and can tell, whether it will work anyway – or if it is at least worth trying.

There's a newer compact soldering station, the CP series. It almost looks identical, but the 5-pin plug for the tools are different. Is it worth trying to make an adapter of some sort, to be able to plug in the tweezer tool occasionally?

Backside old CD-BDBackside CP

For Reference: Manual CD-BD and Manual CP

Is it hackable?

Thanks for any suggestions!  :-+

« Last Edit: December 12, 2024, 02:08:53 pm by Darkwing »

Offline thm_w

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Here someone said didn't work on CD-2C:

Here said it works on 2D:
But maybe thats newer than what you have?

You could connect a 68k resistor and see if the station displays the tool type or not (, does it show tool type when you plug in the handle? Or take apart and look inside.

If it doesn't support then not sure if you can make an adapter, you could parallel the heaters, but, it might be too much current for the station.
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Offline DarkwingTopic starter

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Thank you! There's a lot to go through here for me, will have a look!  :-+

Alternatively: can you maybe recommend a hung-lo tweezer tool, that's at least usable for occasional little jobs?

Offline thm_w

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For under $100 probably this is the only semi decent one right now:

Next step up is around the $250 level.
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Offline DarkwingTopic starter

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Thank you very much!  :-+ :-+

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